The founding Board of Trustees brings a promising range of skills and interests to this endeavor:
Perrin Heartway (chair) – Floyd’s traveling vet, Perrin is a homesteader, an environmentalist, and is dedicated to his family and community. He has been working for years with the idea of conserving land for community use and providing affordable, sustainable burial practices on that land.
Kristy Ratcliffe (secretary) – Kristy is passionate about community self-reliance and death literacy as well as land stewardship. She has training as an End-of-Life doula and a degree in Forest Resource Management.
Linda Haas (treasurer) – A lifetime organic gardener, lifetime Sierra Club member, and lover of the natural world, Linda wants to make a difference helping people cope with death in a more comforting and positive way.
Hari Berzins – Hari has lived in Floyd with her husband and their two children for ten years. She loves growing food and flowers and taking long walks in the woods. She has a background in education, writing, and video production and currently runs Citizens Telephone Cooperative's local cable. She is invested in creating a green cemetery because it ties together her passion for land conservation and her passion for life and ceremony.
Sarah (Piper) Pollock (vice chair)– Piper is the Director of Nonprofit Management & Development at Springhouse and has years of experience with nonprofits, including international youth programming, education, a watershed council, and a land trusts. She is a youth mentor and has a profound reverence for the natural world, environmental restoration and conservation.